Filter Press Used for Car and Truck Wash Wastewater Treatment

 Product Knowledge    |      2019-05-31
Protection and environmental awareness are the responsibility of everyone, and water protection is especially important. The water cycle is a key way to sustain this natural resource, especially in industries and services that generate large amounts of water, such as car and truck cleaning.
Although there are many ways to start reusing automotive wastewater, one of the simplest and most effective changes is the use of a filter press. A filter press is a machine that uses pressure filtration to separate liquid from solids. The filter press can recycle 50% of the wastewater for reuse by pumping wash water (referred to as slurry) into the filter press, where the solids are separated from the reusable liquid. It can even recycle some soap for reuse! The use of a filter press is efficient and economical.
At our company, we offer brand new machines so you can find equipment within your car's budget. Our presses are available in different sizes and capacities to meet the needs of the car. Regardless of the size of the car, we will properly calculate and adjust the size of the car filter. And, if you want to know how a filter press can benefit the car business, we can provide a test unit for testing, in addition to our rental and rebuilding unit inventory.
When you buy from us, you get equipment that is built in-house by a team of specially designed and produced reliable machines. We value our customers and strive to provide the best possible help. In-house manufacturing means you get fast access to automotive products and services, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
A filter press is a great way to start recycling car wastewater and get the most out of car water use. Learn more about our filter presses on our website, or contact us to see how we can supply a solution for car equipment needs.